ARTTT Demonstrations at San Marcos Operating Day
The Amateur Radio Tower Trailer Team (ARTTT) volunteered to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public at the Saturday November 7th San Marcos Operating Day coordinated by Tom K6RCW and hosted by Palomar Amateur Radio Club.
With colorful sign work and a smooth clean professional booth display prominently placed at the front of operating day, the bright orange shirt wearing ARTTT team members were naturally gravitated to by both members of the public and existing Amateur Radio operators alike.
For those who may not be aware, ARTTT is a collaborative effort of three dedicated Amateur Radio Operators, Dennis Baca KD6TUJ, Greg Gibbs KI6RXX and Conrad Lara KG6JEI, whom routinely donate their time and money to serving the public and demonstrating Amateur Radio.
The primary tower trailer is affectionately called the “HOMLESS SHELTER” for the fact that it gives numerous radios and hundreds of pounds of support gear and operators a shelter from the elements where everything comes together to serve the public good and promote the technical and fraternal bonds of Amateur Radio Operators. On-board the trailer and its support vehicle was gear to transmit and receive on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, 2m, 1.25cm, 70cm and 13cm(AREDN mesh) HAM bands along with the non ham Marine, Citizens Band, MURS and GMRS bands. Receive only capability was available for the remaining common modes including commercial AM/FM radio, Police/Fire, aviation and commercial TV. All this is contained onboard a self contained trailer that can be transported by even modest tow vehicles, the setup in this case was towed by an older Ford Ranger which is often viewed as one of the most modest tow vehicles.
Thank you to all the club members that stopped by to visit our booth and show us support and thank you to Tom K6RCW, for without his great coordination, this event would not be possible. ARTTT members Greg and Conrad had a great time demonstrating to the public as they often do. More information can be found at http://www.workofarttt.org
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