The Amateur Radio Tower Trailer Team is a team of Hams dedicated to support of local communities and elemering utilizing Ham Operated Mobile Equiptment Lendinf Emergency Suport Services Supplying Ham Elmers Logistics and Training through Everyday Radiocommunication. With the use of Amateur Radio Tower Trailers we are able to provide support and elemering almost anywhere a vehicle could tow a trailer. The Work of ARTTT website was created to provide more information about ARTTT and what we do as a team. The first of soon to be three ARTTT Trailers, sometimes referred to as the Homeless Shelter, is owned and designed by Dennis Baca KD6TUJ with the support of Conrad Lara KG6JEI and Greg Gibbs KI6RXX. There will eventual be two more tower trailers by the group, one by Conrad and the other by Greg. ARTTT was established in 2009.
The trailer was based on a design by Harv Hiller K6QK(sk). He has a trailer still in use by the DX team with N6KI. Following his design for the tower work, the trailer was designed to be pulled by a small vehicle, keep as low a profile as possible, and be self-contained. Design also included radios used by U.S. citizens and legal residents with emphasis on amateur radio, as it is the best service available.
The storage side was created first to limit the amount of additional transport space required. This now contains 2 6 foot tables, 2 chairs, extra 2 inch stackable poles, coaxes, control wire, extension cords, tools and other items as needed. A transport rack was made for the elements of the tri-band antenna.
The operating side came later. Using the same size for balance, we made a storage area for canopies, batteries, fans, and another extension cord. The radios are mounted under a shelf with amateur radio on the left side moving towards other services. The HF radio is operated on the bottom shelf with the needed associated equipment. Space is available for a computer and monitor for television. A broadcast receiver is also mounted
Antenna access will be provided through the back panel, as well as shore power and solar power. Solar power is provided by two panels on the top in front of the antennas for the compliment of radio services.